Dumpster Rental in Reynolds, Illinois

Please select a dumpster size for Reynolds, IL roll-off dumpster details and pricing:

  • Junk Removal
  • 10 Yard 10 Yard Dumpster
  • 20 Yard 20 Yard Dumpster
  • 30 Yard 30 Yard Dumpster

Choose a dumpster size from above.

Junk Removal

Junk Removal
Minimum to 1 cubic yard Minimum to 1 cubic yard Starting at $60.00*
1 to 2 cubic yards 1 to 2 cubic yards Starting at $120.00*
2 to 3 cubic yards 2 to 3 cubic yards Starting at $180.00*
3 to 4 cubic yards 3 to 4 cubic yards Starting at $240.00*
  Additional yards Starting at $60.00 per cubic yard*

Perfect for couches, chairs, furniture, appliances, mattresses, etc. - we come haul it away for you! Additional charges may be incurred depending on distance traveled and other factors.

10 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 12' x Height 3.5' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $637

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 4000 pounds

Fits well in residential driveways. Common uses include small debris cleanups, small or tight locations. Holds up to 20 squares of roofing.

20 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 20' x Height 4' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $687

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 6000 pounds

Excellent for home clean-outs and a favorite of contractors. Holds up to 40 squares of roofing. Fits in some residential driveways.

30 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions Length 20' x Height 6' x Width 8'

Haul Rate $737

Daily Rental Charge $10 after 14 days

Additional Tonnage Charge $44/ton after 8000 pounds

Great for large house clean-outs, large construction projects. Fits in some residential driveways. Our most economical dumpster.

Reynolds, Illinois 61490 Dumpster Rental-  Everything You Need To Know About Dumpster Rental In Reynolds, Il And More

Dumpster rental in Reynolds, Il, can be quick and easy when you call a professional local dumpster rental company.  Residents, business owners, and contractors can rid their lives of clutter by renting a roll off container, and they can do so with one simple phone call to (309) 517-2051.  There are, however, a few things relating to waste bin rental that you might want to consider prior to making that call:

  1. How big of roll off do you need?
  2. Where do you want the bin to be placed at your site?
  3. When should you call the garbage service company?
  4. What date do you want your roll off delivered?

What Size Roll Off Are You Looking For?

Dumpster rental in Reynolds, Illinois comes in several different sizes, so you’ll need to decide what size roll off you need prior placing your order.  When deciding on container size the most obvious concern is ordering a dumpster large enough to contain all of your junk, or at least ordering a large enough bin to minimize the number of loads you’ll need to pay for.  Most likely, you’ll need to estimate the volume of waste that you need to dispose of and get a bin that is equal to, or greater than the volume of your waste.  Here’s a money saving hint:  When in doubt about the quantity of your waste, always order the larger sized dumpster.  It is far cheaper to pay for the next larger size dumpster that to have a smaller dumpster hauled several times.

Roll off containers come in 10, 20, 30 cubic yard sizes and for those of you who can’t relate to a cubic yard, a level full pickup truck can hold two and a half cubic yards of waste.  So a 10 cubic yard dumpster is roughly the same volume as 4 pickup truck loads, etc, etc.

It is also important to understand in Reynolds, Il, that the weight of your waste material can also effect or limit the size of waste container you order.  Heavy dense waste materials can not be loaded into the larger 20 and 30 cubic yard roll off as they would overload the truck.  The Department Of Transportation limits the weight of trucks on our streets and highways and, therefore, loading too much concrete, dirt, asphalt, roofing shingles, into a large waste bin creates a situation where the dumpster can not be hauled.  As a rule of thumb, concrete, asphalt, bricks, dirt should be loaded into 10 yard containers only.  Roofing shingles can be loaded into 10 or 20 cubic yard sizes.

Where Do You Want Your Waste Container In Reynolds Illinois 61279 To Sit Once The Delivery Truck Arrives

Roll offs are large metal objects that are 8 feet in width and up to 20 feet in length.  These waste containers need to be placed on a truck accessible, hard, level, surface which is free from overhead obstructions such as tree branches and electric wires.  Sturdy driveways,   parking lots, gravel areas, and even are all possible spots for dumpster placement.  The City Reynolds, Illinois might not allow the use of public streets for equipment placement.  You might want to pick out a few spots for your bin in case your first choice doesn’t work once the truck arrives.

When To Contact The Reynolds, Illinois Dumpster Company To Rent Your Roll Off Container

Sometimes your waste container can be delivered the same day it is ordered, but a few days notice is preferred.  And during peak dumpster times (April through November) you might want to reserve your bin a week in advance to ensure the right size equipment is available when you need it.

When To Have Your Dumpster Delivered To Your Project

If possible, we suggest you have your box delivered to your Reynolds, Il project a day before you plan to start loading it.  Better to have the dumpster sitting empty for a half of a day than to double handle waste because you’ve started before your dumpster has arrived.

And Now Youre Ready To Contact A Waste Management Services Company

Hopefully, this information has been helpful to you and if you’re ready to order a dumpster to be delivered in Reynolds, Illinois, we would like to talk to you (309) 517-2051

Junk Removal- An Alternative To Dumpster Rental In Reynolds

When a big metal bin is just too much space, money, or hassle to load, we provide junk removal in your city.  Just call us to set yup a junk crew to do the work for you (309) 517-2051

What We Can NOT Take


  • PAINTS/CHEMICALS: Liquids, motor oil, pesticides, herbicides, antifreeze, etc.
  • FLAMMABLES/EXPLOSIVES: Propane tanks, ammunition, gasoline, solvents, etc.
  • HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Asbestos, drums, fluorescent lights/ballasts, medical waste, etc.

* All prices are based on junk being placed in a truck accessible area, loading times being less than 10 minutes per cubic yard, and waste weighing less than 250 pounds per cubic yard. Extra fees will be charged if waste is heavy (dirt, gravel, shingles, concrete, block, etc.) or if waste is not in a truck accessible area or difficult to handle/load. Additional changes will also be levied for those items/materials which need special disposal/processing such as electronic waste, appliances, tires, etc.